Saturday, 27 December 2014

Shaving a Pig

Should I use an electric or wet razor? This was the dilemma I faced on Christmas Eve. It’s a special event.Let’s go for the close cut of the wet razor!
Whilst washing his face I had noticed quite a bit of stubble.
The blow torch had reduced it considerably but some of those irritating patches remained.
It was while I was tackling a particularly tricky bit round the chin I happened to glance up his nostrils. After a good twirl the cotton buds were still coming out green.
A lick and a promise were not enough to wash this bad boy’s face!
OK face down in boiling water for ten minutes.
Now you are ready! Just a tad more Rosemary.

Into the oven. As with most meat very hot to start and then reduce the temperature.
About four hours in total.
You need to wrap foil around the ears and the nose to prevent burning these extra special bits. We took turns to baste him in honey.
Onto the serving plate. A cocktail stick secured the customary apple.
It was carried through to the dining table.
The smoke coming from the super clean nostrils added a nice dramatic touch.
Pig’s snout anyone? Or would you prefer an ear?
It tasted delicious.

The cheeks were particularly good!

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