Saturday, 21 November 2015


At last the crucian carp have left the quarantine tank and joined the main tank.
I am about two months behind schedule.
Yesterday I picked up 15 trout. I followed the normal procedure. Equalized temperature by floating the bag in the new tank. Gradually introducing  water into the bag and finally they swam free.
Time for tea.
Quick check. Greeted by one trout lying on the floor, 3 meters from the tank.
Now this tank has a 2cm plastic mesh plus lid covering it. Amazing! I draped plastic bags over the edges. He went back in and seems OK.
I have nothing but praise for the people at Bibury.especially, Martin the Fishery manager.
I learn a lot in the short time whilst I collect the fish.
He showed me the eggs. The single main tube holds just under 250,000 eggs!

Cold today. no food for Carp. Trout ate settling in

, only had a had snack.